The Logical Genders

A Collection of Essays on the History, Science and Logic of Gender Variance

When I was confronted with justifying my gender identity to my parents, I needed help.

I wanted to find some resource that I could use to support myself. However, all the videos I could find only talked about trans people from a feelings perspective. "He's a boy because he *feels* that way", "She *feels* like a girl trapped in a male body", etc.

Not only am I not a feelsy person, but my parents were the kind of people who would laugh in your face if you tried to discuss "feelings" at all. It didn't entirely describe how I felt about being trans and the more and more I learned about science and history, the more I felt at odds with explanations that stop at just feelings. It's understandable why the "Feelings Arguments" are so commonplace; people respond to emotional stories easily. But for natural skeptics, we need more than just the Pathos of an argument. This website aims to provide the Logos, which isn't as easy for people to accept. As you will see, the science and history of gender goes deep, and the facts you learn may encourage you to rethink how you perceieve everything around you. And for the better, I hope.

Ultimately, this website is a collection of facts, resources and Q&As to explain the science, logic and history of transgender identity. It is for people who want to learn how to defend themselves during uncomfortable debates, for those who feel on the fence about "This whole gender thing," for people like me who needed a more skeptic-minded resource, and maybe for anyone who actually wants to see both sides of the argument. I will also give my own arguments against common debates, because learning how to stand up and defend myself was a skill that took me years.